Cia Mercè Framis. Shadow puppets it's a company specialized in shadow puppetry. Created in 2001 by Mercè Framis.
Graduated in Puppetry at the Institut del Teatre, Barcelona.
Graduated in Philosophy at the Universidad Ramón Llull, Barcelona (URL).
Master in Analytic Phsychology, Unversidad Autónoma Barcelona (UAB).
Master in art therapy, Universidad de Gerona (UDG).
Educational programme in Art Therapy, Steiner Waldord pedagogy method.
Started her artistic career in 1989 while still a student in the Puppetry department at the Institut del Teatre.
In 1989 jointly founded the Framis Von Porat Shadow Theatre Company which operated till 1999. • Worked as a puppeteer at Els Aquilinos Teatre from 1995 to 2001.
In 2001 founded her own Shadow Theater Company – Cia Mercè Framis. •
Has performed in Puppet shows throughout Catalunya and various Spanish towns. •
She is a regular presence in Puppet Festivals all over Spain.