The Little Circus is a show dedicated to very young children. It’s a pedagogical proposition whose intent is to introduce children to English language.
The show evolves around a selection of traditional English songs such as: Old McDonald, The family finger song, Ten little Indian song etc.
Under this circus tent, the characters appear on stage accompanied by music, colours, geometric shapes and other fundamental learning elements.
The show is presented and conducted by “La Mary”, a charming and funny character which not only keeps children interested and attentive but connects the show scenes together.

The Sun rises in early morning while everybody is asleep. The Sun places the streets and houses, everybody says: Hello Sun!
The rain arrives – one drop, two drops, a rainbow appears, a snail crawls, a song is heard. (Song. Snail, snail,rise your little antenna to the sun… ).
Now some hens appear, another song is heard. (Song. The egg-laying hen lays an egg every week…)
A hen comes out of the egg, a verse is heard. (Verse. A tiny, skinny, short legged hen…)
A sailor tries to catch a fish, a verse is heard. (Verse. Fish, fish, little fish, from the hook to the bag…)
The Moon doesn’t want to come out. She can’t find any dress she likes, so she dresses in black.
The Moon and the Sun take a walk under the star light.
AGE: from 0 to 6 years old and family audience.

Snail Syrup has a pedagogic content.
Its aim is to stimulate the pleasure of listening, concentration, imagination and creativity in children. Help them develop an awareness of their outer and inner worlds, recognize feelings of joy, sorrow and love, as well as to awaken their capacity for observation and language acquisition.
Snail Syrup desires to transmit the value of friendship, generosity, and altruism.
Based on a simple story, this show intends to awaken the emotional and affective potential of the audience via their identification with the play's characters.
AGE: from 1 to 6 years old and family audience.
This is a dynamic show rich in images playing in a very colourful scenario. Here the Puppeteer doesn't just manipulate the Puppets, she acts as an important protagonist.
The story line is based on a traditional tale. It utilizes two structures: inventiveness and a chain of events that are linked through a lively song which invites audiences to sing along.
AGE: from 2 to 12 years old and family audience.

This show explains the history of creation, the universe and human beings origin.
Throughout the ages, this subject has generated amazing myths and wonderful stories.
Genesis is a Biblic text that shows us how marvelous and fragile life's gifts are, therefor we must care for it with all the love we are capable of.
This performance uses a modern language that reaches today's audiences.
AGE: from 6 to 18 years old and family audience.